Non Trading Card Memorabilia

There are many Mario Lemieux souvenirs and collectables of all sorts and sizes. I have tried to capture many of the different types that can be found.

Mario Lemieux suprized by the number types of collectables

Non Trading Card Memorabilia

Different Types of Mario Lemieux Collectables:

  1. Advertisements
  2. Action Figures
  3. Banners / Penants
  4. Coins
  5. Figures (Non Action)
  6. Flags
  7. Food / Beverages
  8. Glasses / Cups
  9. Gloves
  10. Hats
  11. Helmets
  12. Jerseys
  13. Patches
  14. Pins
  15. Plaques
  16. Printed Materials
  17. Pucks
  18. Posters
  19. Skates
  20. Signs
  21. Stamps
  22. Sticks
  23. Tickets
  24. Zamboni


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Complete Card

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